Uglobal Immigration Magazine Volume 2, Issue 2 | Page 102

102 UGLOBAL IMMIGRATION MAGAZINE was also the highest-ranking Australian city among the world’s top travel destinations Making it not only a great place to live, but a great travel destination. Perth has over 30 international and domestic airlines servicing the area and its international des-tinations. This allows clients to both work within their local time zone as well as service their business needs. The area shares a time zone with over 60% of the world’s population allowing business clients to stay focused on their business while living in Australia. For business and investment, WA is the driving force of the Australian economy bringing in 40% of Australia’s export economy. This is backed by WA having the most listed companies on the Aus-tralian Stock Exchange (ASX) compared to any other state in Australia. This includes major com-panies such as Shell, Chevron, BHP and Rio Tinto, which are all headquartered in Perth. The economy of Australia is strong due to its natural resources, such as being a world leader in mining and exports such as: Iron Ore, which accounts for over half of the world’s exports; liquified natural gas, which has an export revenue of over $50 billion; and lithium, which “ WA is the driving force of the Australian economy bringing in 40% of Australia’s export economy. ” is being mined and processed. These great natural resources are supporting production of steel, energy and bat-tery technologies. Western Australia’s gross state product was above 35% of Australias GDP per capita. Amid recent news that the Australian stock market has reached its highest share price in more than a decade, it is no surprise that Perth’s property market is enjoying an upswing with steadfast growth in popularity. TOP MIGRATION DESTINATION Australia frequently lists in the top destinations in the world due to its high level of education, quality of life and gross national income per capita. This is recognized through the Human Devel-opment Index (HDI) where Australia placed third behind only Norway and Switzerland. In 2019 and for the 4th year in a row, Australia is the most “ Tây Úc là động lực của nền kinh tế Úc, mang lại 40% giá trị kinh tế xuất khẩu của Úc. ” nghệ sản xuất pin. Tổng sản phẩm nội địa bang của Tây Úc cao hơn 35% GDP bình quân đầu người của Úc. Trong số những tin tức gần đây nói rằng thị trường chứng khoán Úc đã đạt được giá cổ phiếu cao nhất trong hơn một thập kỷ thì không có gì ngạc nhiên khi thị trường bất động sản của Perth đang bùng nổ với sự tăng trưởng ổn định. ĐIỂM ĐẾN HÀNG ĐẦU CHO MỤC ĐÍCH NHẬP CƯ Úc thường xuyên được liệt kê trong danh sách các điểm đến hàng đầu trên thế giới nhờ trình độ học vấn cao, chất lượng cuộc sống tốt và tổng thu nhập quốc dân trên đầu