UGLOBAL . COM 24 vary and there are also quotas that limit access to the programs . It is vitally important that intending immigrants not only consider which province they would like to live in , but also the criteria for that province and the availability of places within the quota . It is probably a good idea to consider more than one destination and it ’ s perfectly fine to express an intention for more than one province .
The availability of programs , various criteria and flexible financial arrangements makes these programs highly attractive to immigrants . The assessment against the core criteria is made by each provincial government and then the final processing passes to the government of Canada , so that Immigration , Refugees and Citizenship Canada , the relevant federal agency , can assess the applicants against general public-interest criteria , like health and character .
The path to permanent residency starts with the applicant expressing interest in a province and submitting an application for nomination at the provincial level . The expression of interest application will take into account a few factors indicated below . In most instances , applicants are granted temporary entry to Canada with the right to work .
They would subsequently apply for permanent resident status after two years on the basis of entering and managing their business , or apply for permanent resident status within six months of receiving the nomination approval .
Applicants are assessed on the basis of net worth , business plans , professional experience and adaptability . While speaking English or French in Canada is important , the threshold for the language ability is the lowest on the Canadian Language Benchmark scale ( 4 out of the maximum 10 ).
The business options available to intending applicants are enormous , financial arrangements are flexible , and the government processing times are advantageous . The applicants can set up a business in the selected province or purchase an existing business . Identifying the right business to buy and working with reputable partners is of primary importance .
The large numbers of existing businesses for sale in Canada can be a good solution for people looking to transition into a new business environment . These programs lead to permanent residency for the main applicant and the applicant ’ s spouse and dependent children .
项目配额可用性 、 申请标准的多样性和经济安排的 灵活性使得这些项目对投资人而言有着极大吸引 力 。 每个省级政府对申请是否满足核心要求进行评 估 , 评估后递交给加拿大政府进行最终审理 , 加拿大 移民 、 难民及公民部及相关联邦机构进而审查申请 人的健康状况和个人品格等因素是否符合一般公共 利益标准的要求 。
企业家和省级提名计划 —— 流程
永久居民身份之路开始于申请人向感兴趣的省份提 交意向书并和提名申请 。 意向书申请需涵盖以下将 提及的几个方面 。 大多数情况下 , 申请人会获得加 拿大临时入境许可和工作许可 。 他们可以在入境并 运营企业两年后 , 或获得提名批准六个月后申请永 久居民身份 。
对申请人的审核基于其净值 、 商业计划 、 专业经验 和适应性 。 虽然在加拿大懂得英语或法语非常重 要 , 但项目仅对申请人的语言水平做最低要求 ( 加 拿大语言标准等级评定中满分十分只需达到四分即 可 ) 。
潜在申请人可选的行业多样 , 经济安排灵活 , 政府申 请程序快捷 。 申请人可在所选省份建立企业或购买 现有企业 。 因此 , 选择合适的企业进行购买 、 同口 碑良好的合伙人进行合作至关重要 。
加拿大有大量待出售的现有企业 , 可以为在新商业 环境中寻找过渡的投资人提供优秀的解决方案 。 这 些项目能为主申请人及其配偶和子女赢得永久居民 身份 。
企业家和省级提名计划 —— 要求
省级提名计划不断寻找成功的商业人士移民加拿大 并在省内运营企业 。 申请永久居民身份的资格并非 基于被动投资 , 而是基于持有公司股权并对其进行 管理运营的事实 。
• 每个省对于申请人所持资产和在加拿大运营企业 的最低投资额都有各自的规定 。 一般会评估申请 人本国企业的股权 。
• 要求申请人活跃参与到公司的每日运营管理中 。
• 申请人需至少拥有三到四年的企业所有或运营经 验 。
• 所运营企业需为本地社区带来福利 , 这个要求大 多可以通过为加拿大公民或永久居民创造或维持 就业而实现 。
• 某些省份可能要求实地考察 , 并推荐对全部申请 进行类似实地考察 。
• 具有在本地生活和建立企业的足够资源 。 财务标 准各省有所不同 , 资产价值最高为大多伦多地区