Uglobal Immigration Magazine Volume 1, Issue 1 | Page 18

17 CYPRUS VISA PROGRAM | 塞浦路斯签证项目 "CYPRUS OFFERS A REAL CITIZENSHIP IN THE SENSE THAT I FEEL CLOSE TO CYPRIOTS, INTEGRATED AND AT HOME" “塞浦路斯提供了真正意义上的公民项目, 让投资人完整体验到贴近本地人的家的感觉” BY / BRADLEY ZINT, UGLOBAL IMMIGRATION MAGAZINE 撰稿人 / 布拉德利•辛特,《Uglobal移民》杂志编辑团队 Jordan native Ali Armoush found a new life in Cyprus through its investment immigration program. A li Armoush achieved success is his native country of Jordan. He launched the McDonald’s restaurant chain in his home country, starting with a single location in the capital city of Amman in 1996 and expanded the American fast food brand to more than 20 restaurants across the country decades later. Armoush, however, was looking for more. Like many international business entrepreneurs, he wanted to secure residency or citizenship in a second country. So he started researching options. He examined his prospects in nations like Canada and Portugal, which both offer residency in exchange for investment. In Portugal’s case, it’s dubbed a “golden visa,” a program that promises permanent residency and potential citizenship. Armoush initially chose Portugal. He invested in the western European country three years ago. But afterward, he learned about Cyprus, a small island nation in the eastern edge of the Mediterranean Sea that is considerably closer to Jordan. 来自约旦的投资人Ali Armoush通 过投资移民项目在塞浦路斯找到了 新家。 Ali Armoush在故乡约旦有着一 番成功的事业。他在约旦开设了 第一家麦当劳餐厅连锁店, 1996 年在首都安曼开设了首家分店, 随 后的几十年成功将这个美国快餐 品牌拓展到了全国, 开设了20多 家麦当劳餐厅。 但Armoush的目标远不止如此。 像诸多国际公司的企业家一样, 他 希望能在第二故乡拥有稳定的居 民或公民身份。抱着这样的想法, 他开始了对投资移民目的地的搜 索。 他首先对加拿大和葡萄牙等国提 供的投资移民项目展开了调查。 他了解到葡萄牙 “黄金签证” 项 目能为投资人赢得永久居民身份 和未来公民身份。 Armoush最初的关注重心也正集 中在葡萄牙的黄金签证项目上, 他 三年前就已经在这个西欧国家进 行了投资。 但是随后他了解到位于地中海东 部、距离约旦更近的岛国塞浦路 斯。塞浦路斯修改其投资移民项 目相关法案时, Armoush的兄弟 正好在塞浦路斯, 向Armoush强 烈推荐了这个项目。 像世界上很多其他国家一样, 塞浦