Uganda Baati Product Guide | Page 3

70 TM GROUP $IULFDǢVODUJHVWPDQXIDFWXUHURIVWHHOURRILQJ • Africa’s largest manufacturer of steel roofing 7KHFRQWLQHQWǢVILUVWSURGXFHURI$OXPLQLXP=LQFFRDWHGVWHHO • The2YHU continent’s first producer of Aluminium -Zinc coated steel SHRSOHHPSOR\HGLQ RSHUDWLRQVLQ FRXQWULHV • Over 3,200$IULFDǢVPRVWWULHGDQGWUXVWHGURRILQJEUDQGV people employed in 36 operations in 11 countries • Africa’s most tried and trusted roofing brands ,QDOOLWVSURFHVVHVDQGSUDFWLVHVWKURXJKLWVSURGXFWVDQGLWV In all its processes and practices, through its products and its SHRSOHLQLWVEXVLQHVVSHUIRUPDQFHDQGLWVHWKLFV people , in its business performance and its ethics, 7KH6$)$/*URXSFRQWLQXDOO\VWULYHVWR The SAFAL Group continually strived to 0DNHD:RUOGRI'LIIHUHQFH Make a World of Difference. ZZZVDIDOJURXSFRP $QJROD%XUXQGL(WKLRSD.HQ\D0DODZL0R]DPELTXH5ZDQGD6RXWK$IULFD7DQ]DQLD8JDQGD=DPELD Angola Burundi Ethopia Kenya Malawi Mozambique Rwanda South Africa Tanzania -2."#"5*30--*/(.*--4 ZZZPDEDWLFRP 3!&!, 45&&- ZZZVDIDOVWHHOFR]D !,!& ZZZDOXPLQLXPDIULFDFRP Uganda Zambia 5'!.$! "!!4) ZZZXJDQGDEDDWLFRP ZZZVDILQWUDFRP 3