UGA 2014 Campus Sustainability Report UGA 2014 Campus Sustainability Report | Page 9
Strategic Direction VII: Improving Stewardship of Natural Resources and Advancing Campus Sustainability
“Over the next decade, the University’s campuses should be examples to others in reducing their environmental footprints to the greatest extent possible. This includes efforts to reduce energy use significantly, and intelligently, and
carefully use and reuse scarce water resources, improve air and water quality, provide sustainable food and transportation options, purchase environmentally responsible products and equipment, increase recycling, and drastically reduce
waste. Second, in the effort to prepare students for effective leadership on campus and beyond, sustainability should be
infused into formal and informal educational opportunities throughout the University. Campus buildings and landscapes should be incorporated as teaching opportunities, which through design and functional interpretation will reveal
innovative practices with the potential to enlighten and inform students and citizens about sound approaches to sustainable living. Third, research generated by UGA faculty and students as well as advances from the global community will
be used to reduce dependency on fossil fuels, increase the reuse of materials, and continue the search for other methods
that will reduce human impacts on the environment.”