UG Magazine UG Magazine Issue 4 | Page 43

Kelly Muscalino: You all have a really unique sound and it definitely settles well, any new albums in the works?

Louey: Yup! We're finishing up our debut record as we speak so keep your ears open!

Kelly Muscalino:What is the biggest achievement to date?

Louey: Probably getting to play Warped Tour or being in the movie Spy. Not to mention getting signed so young!

Kelly Muscalino: What's it like being on warped tour?

Louey: We haven't started yet but it's looking like its going to be super fun!

Kelly Muscalino: Where did the name Bad Seed Rising come from?

Louey:Our guitar player Mason came up with it at a McDonalds after rehearsal actually haha!

Kelly Muscalino: Are you all touring all year?

Louey: We'll be out from 6/24- 7/27 on Warped Tour and then right from the end of Warped we go out with I Prevail until August 26th.

Kelly Muscalino: As a band what are some of the best points and the struggles you have run into?

Louey: Our highs have been getting signed, playing warped tour and being in Spy. As far as struggles go i'd say really getting people to take us seriously since we're kids.

Kelly Mucalino: What are some goals you have as a band?

Louey: To just share our music with as many people as possible and have fun doing it.

Kelly Muscalino: Who are some role models you looked up to when you were first getting into music?