UG Magazine UG Magazine Issue 4 | Page 25

Plans for the fall and the up coming year. "Were ready to take off" stated Rilla one of the crews founding members. K9 Mob started almost 3 years ago and to dat has brought in more than 400,000 views and counting. When it comes time to reach the fans these guys have it coverd and then some.

With a ton of new solo work, and group work on the way, do not be suprised if they blow you away. The crew has 38 months of time and hard work built into their musical goals and asperations.

k9 MOB

Right Now - Rilla and Insane

All in all this group is on a missoin to change the local music scene in many ways and we expect all in all to see a lot of great things from this amazing young crew of artist over a period of the next year. We could easily see them over al million hit's by the end of 2017!