UG Magazine UG Magazine Issue 4 | Page 19

JL: what base guitar do you use ?

Cane Hill: Fender

JL: What is it like to be On Warped Tour?

Cane Hill: It's fucking hot.

JL: who had the idea to start the band ?

Cane Hill: Everyone collectively

JL: who are you major influences that made you who you are today?

Cane Hill: Musically? Pantera, Metallica, and Alice in chains.

JL: some bands listen to other music as they are writing new material for a album if that is something that you did what all did you listen to ?

Cane Hill: We listened to the same shit we always do. A solid mix of metal, hip hop, and 90's alt.

JL: do you and your band members get along pretty good ?

Cane Hill: We fucking hate each other.