UG_GISConference | страница 4

• The positive impacts of the natural environment on stress related impacts on mental health from a high intensity sports program - Shynia Jackson
• Environmental displacement and Covid-19 : The impact of social media reliance on mental health - Khalelah Hayes
• Positive Effects of Body Decomposition in the Environment - Rosa Rodiles
• Environmental Factors Affecting Crime Rates in the United States and Europe : Similar or Different ? - Leighton Alley
• How situational and geographic factors lead to a juvenile ’ s risk for acts of violence and crime – Rodgerick Brown
2 . Applied GIS
• Finding suitable fossil collection sites within the Hell Creek Formation in Montana , USA . – Ulises Sabato
• Comparing Seagrass Distribution and Impacts Affecting Density along the Florida Keys . – Meghan Ross
• A multidimensional analysis of harmful algal blooms along the west coast of Florida . – Kaitlyn Bowers
• Voting patterns and the 11 Nations of America – Colin Pelletier
• Voting patterns in States with Large Veteran Populations – Alex Neal
3 . Spatial Perspectives of Environmental Concerns in Duval County
• Introduction to GIS Class
12:50 - 2 PM Student Podium Lightning Talks | Gooding 114
Carley Kelso
A network analysis of the social and environmental impacts of growing and transporting biofuels versus food crops .
Elizabeth Johnson
Sam Roberts
Richard Uphoff
Kaitlyn Bowers
A temporal analysis of the expansion and contraction of the dead zone in the Gulf of Mexico and the ecological and economic impacts .
Small Scale TIN Modelling for floodplain analysis for the Jacksonville University campus .
Creating a more accurate population map , exploring dasymetric mapping for Duval County , Florida .
A Spatial and Temporal Analysis of Stray Cats and Stray Dogs in Duval County
2 PM Presentation of Awards and Closing Remarks | Gooding 114 and Lobby