UD Country News Dec. 13 | Page 2

By: Annie Wang

Child labor has expanded throughout the country and people have done nothing about it. Owners of large companies have been employing children under the age of fourteen. Their small hands get in machines that have small gaps easily. It may be a contribution no, but it may turn into a disaster. Injuries and health problems occur with young children because they are working too hard. Not only are they working long hours, but the wage is often lower than fifty cents. Managers have been taking this issue and making it even worse by continuing to push the children harder to earn profit.

Many of the children come from poor families who cannot afford for a place to stay or food to eat, so the children are sent to earn money. Most of the children working do not know how to read or write. They spend their time working, and have not had a chance to go to school. We have not done anything about this; only to watch them, to not take stand.

Children must get an education, so they can get a good job in the future. Some children do not even understand English. They are not given an opportunity to realize what they could learn. What our nation needs are regulations to allow children to be able to go to school instead of factories. One boy who doesn’t even know his letters says, “Yes, I want to learn but can’t, because I work all the time.”

Is Child Labor Worth It?

"It needs to stop."