kmatFLEX al trices matrices
ultra-thin titanium 0,03mm ultra-thin titanium
excellent resilience and elastic memory excellent resilience and elastic memory
Titaaninen osamatriisi
3 matrix sizes : premolar , molar and molar deep
Excellent elastic memory and resilience Excellent elastic memory
comparison between and QuickmatFLEX resilience sectional matrices comparison and between QuickmatFLEX KATSO VIDEO ! es of nal mein ially tra-thin
r elastic stainless steel sectional sectional matrices matrices and stainless steel sectional matrices matFLEX imeelivers cally ight he best n .”
3 matrix sizes : premolar , molar and molar deep optimised cervical extension for deep optimised cervical cavity restorations extension for deep cavity restorations
• Erittäin ohut 0,03 mm . Helppo asettaa ahtaisiin väleihin .
• Hyvä anatominen kontakti .
• Materiaalin joustavuuden ja jäykkyyden tasapaino tekee matriisista helpon käsitellä .
• Erinomainen joustavuus ja elastinen muisti . Matriisi palautuu muotoonsa .
• Aikaa säästävä ratkaisu . Vähemmän viimeistelyä .
• 3 matriisikokoa : Premolari , Molari ja Molar lipalla .
watch the video
Premolari 0,03 mm 5 mm 100 kpl Til . nro 6785
watch the video
Molari 0,03 mm 6,4 mm 100 kpl Til . nro 6786
Molari lipalla 0,03 mm 6,4 mm 50 kpl Til . nro 6787
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40 e
QuickmatFlex sectional matricesQuickmatFlex sectional matrices
Stainless steel sectional matricesStainless steel sectional matrices dera
lo ’
QuickmatFLEX are ultra-thin ( 0.03mm ) titanium sectional matrices of excellent elastic memory . Easy to handle , they QuickmatFLEX offer the right are balance ultra-thin of flexibility ( 0.03mm and ) titanium stiffness sectional for optimised matrices positioning of excellent elastic memory . and adaptation in tight Easy interproximal to handle , they spaces offer . the Thanks right to balance their reduced of flexibility thickness and stiffness and improved for optimised positioning metal alloy , the matrices and adaptation resist deformation in tight interproximal as they feature spaces spring . Thanks back into their original reduced shape thickness . and improved Class II treatments with metal QuickmatFLEX alloy , the matrices sectional resist matrices deformation and our as they sectional feature matrix spring rings back result into the original shape .
F-SPLINT KUITUNAUHALUJITTEET in predictable restorations Class II treatments with anatomically with QuickmatFLEX correct anatomies sectional , matrices tight contact and our points sectional and matrix rings result smooth composite surfaces in predictable that require restorations minimal with finishing anatomically steps . correct anatomies , tight contact points and smooth composite surfaces that require minimal finishing steps .
Esikäsitelty , heti käyttövalmis
QuickmatFLEX sectional matrices - REF 6785 Premolar 0.03mm / 5mm QuickmatFLEX , 100 pcs sectional matrices - REF 6785
Premolar 0.03mm / 5mm , 100 pcs QuickmatFLEX sectional matrices - REF 6786 Molar 0.03mm / 6.4mm QuickmatFLEX , 100 pcs sectional matrices - REF 6786
Molar 0.03mm / 6.4mm , 100 pcs QuickmatFLEX sectional matrices - REF 6787 Molar Deep 0.03mm / 6.4mm QuickmatFLEX + Ext ., 50 sectional pcs matrices - REF 6787
Molar Deep 0.03mm / 6.4mm + Ext ., 50 pcs
Kuitunauha pullossa
• Helppokäyttöinen ja nopea
• Säilytys huoneenlämmössä
• Käytännölliset Clip & Splint kuitupidikkeet
F-Splint-Aid 4 mm , 12 cm , 5 kpl kuitupidike | Til . nro 5972DS
F-Splint-Aid Slim 2 mm , 12 cm , 5 kpl kuitupidike | Til . nro 5977
REV 01 05.2021
REV 01 05.2021
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