UCTF Introduction 2014 | Page 4

HOW TO GET INVOLVED We regularly have people approaching us who share our passion to create the life changing opportunities we give disadvantaged children in Uganda. We particularly welcome any fundraising initiatives and will support you with all the necessary information you need to create a successful campaign. If you feel that you can assist our course, then why not contact our head office in the UK to explore this potential further. Please do contact us at [email protected] to learn more. HOW TO MAKE A DONATION You can support UCTF either monthly or with a one-off donation via: VirginMoneyGiving: http://bit.ly/1bADOzF JustGiving: http://www.justgiving.com/uctf CAF: http://bit.ly/1kbQJy3 - Then search Charity Reg. No. 1087960 Bank Transfer: Bank: HSBC Bank PLC Account Name: Uganda Charity Trust Sort Code: 40-05-27 Account Number: 21383043 Thank you very much indeed for your generosity! www.uctf.org UK Charity Commission Registration Number: 1087960