We want to hear from you!!
Go to our FaceBook page, and let us know what you would like to see in the next Issue of The UCHS Times!
We want you and you pictures to be a part of The UCHS Newspaper! Send us pictures of you and your friends, our beautiful campus, your class, or any picture you think would be perfect for the newspaper.
Go to https://www.facebook.com/pages/UCHS-Times/207002302808689 to submit your pictures!
This is your newspaper Union County, and we want you a part of it!!
Union Countu High School Vison Statement
Students, teachers, parents and community members will all:
Teach and learn with passion
Promote rigorous and sustained effort
Value reason, respect and responsibility
in doing so, Union County High School will remain the foundation of our community's pride by graduating citizens with integrity and purpose.