“ Over the last 10 years , I ’ ve become more patient , more confident and less anxious about the future of this institution ...”
After 10 years , what are you most proud of ?
Today , I ’ m most proud of the physical , cultural and intellectual transformation of campus . We typically talk about the physical transformation because we can see the buildings … but I can tell you that it ’ s the cultural and intellectual transformation that precipitates , or forces , the physical change to occur . There ’ s something special happening inside these buildings .
Why is it important to bring the community to campus ? What do you want them to experience ?
Ten years ago , the San Diego community thought we were aloof and that we wanted to remain that way . It was during my first year of meetings with local community leaders that I decided we needed to rethink that perception .
As a public institution , our main goal is to deliver education and health care , and build the next generation of the workforce for California . But our charter of education is more broadly defined . By inviting the community to campus , we can expose them to art and culture , perhaps awaken an inner being in them , make them more socially aware , perhaps force them to ask questions that they never would have asked . UC San Diego isn ’ t just a destination , but where you should also be able to engage in conversation . It ’ s not just my role to keep this place alive and running , but to provide access to opportunities that can enrich others intellectually .
What do you hear from our students when you are stopped on campus ?
“ Can I get a selfie !?” [ chuckles ] Overall , I sense a happier student on campus . And I feel they ’ re surprised to see the chancellor walking around campus , but I also think they ’ re happy to see me here , connecting with others rather than being a disconnected voice from a building . Sometimes I hear students talk to each other as they ’ re walking in front of me and they quietly try to take a photo and I tell them , “ Come on guys , you want a selfie , come on over here !”