and adjust the size and then choose
the anti-erase option.
(Continued from page 25)
I’ve included both a video and written
step by step demonstration to make
it easier to follow along if you are
trying to do it yourself.
12. Use the eraser to uncover the
part of the image that you want to
show outside the frame. If you
uncover too much switch off the antierase and then go over the area to
remove the excess. (NOTE: antierase adds and erase will remove)
This is fidgety work and you may have
to zoom up the image and continue to
adjust your brush size but the better
this part is done the better the result
will be.
1. Open up GIMP.
2. On the menu go to File>Open the
image you want to use.
3. With this particular image I
flipped it to make the end result look
4. In your Layers tab right click the
layer of the image and add an Alpha
13. You now need to create a new
layer. There are a couple of ways for
doing this but I find it easiest to right
click on the layer and use add layer
from the drop down box. This is
going to be the background layer.
5. Add 4 guides to the image. To
add guides go to the vertical and
horizontal rulers then using your
cursor to grab and drag them to the
right or down. Place the guides to
frame your image with part of the
image that you want to pop out,
outside the guide.
You want to make the new layer
bigger than the original but decide on
your own personal preferences for the
finished images eg square,
rectangular, etc. Set it to
6. Turn on the free select tool
(lasso). Click on the guide at the
horizontal ruler, then down to the
corner of the intersecting guide and
so on until you return to your starting
14. The new layer should be below
the original layer which you can do by
dragging it down (in the layers tab) or
use the arrows down.
7. Go to Select>Invert.
15. Go to Image>Fit image to
canvas. Click original image layer and
use the Move tool to position the
image on the new canvas.
8. Click the delete key.
9. Go to Select>None.
10. Go to Image>Guides>Remove
all guides.
16. Click on new layer. This is your
background layer and you can use
either the bucket fill or gradient fill
11. Select the Eraser tool and in the
tools tab, choose a fuzzy round brush
(Continued on page 28)