vice president for area d / secretary general
It is great privilege and honor to present my colleagues and partners in the industry the programs and objectives from the UAP Office of the Secretary General for the Fiscal Year 2016-2017. In response to the overwhelming support and confidence, the following projects have been developed for the betterment of service
and for the benefit of UAP general membership as well as the Organization.
Arch. Ferdinand A. Dumpa, UAP
Vice President for Area D
On behalf of Area D, my heartfelt felicitations to the
general membership, the members of the National
Board of Directors and the Organizing Committee of
Joint Area Assembly as we hold our 2016 UAP Joint
Area Assembly with the theme, “Xtream: Architects in
Action” in Iloilo City.
I am confident that our current
thrust are on the right track and this year’s theme is very
timely and significant as we continue to contribute
progressive ideas and initiatives and build eminent
goodwill for the welfare of our community. Our keen
participation and involvement and sharing our available
treasures to this activity mark valued success not only in
tangible assistance but most importantly when we touch
people’s heart. When we work hand in hand with harmony of solidarity we will project the value and importance of the role of architects in nation building and
public service as what A. Philip Randolph said “Let the
nation and the world know the meaning of numbers.”
Again, congratulations! Let us continue to encourage the
members of our beloved organization to leave a legacy
and achieve excellence in every aspect of our commitment.
Mabuhay ang Arkitektong Filipino!
national auditor
Dynamic Workforce for the UAP HQ Personnel: by providing trainings, development programs, assistance and recognition programs to build a
competent workforce and
harmonious rapport within
Guided by the
the UAP National office.
plans and proEffective
grams in line with
and Documentation for the
the UAP AdvocaUAP: by incorporating techcy Unity, Acnology and introducing UAP
countability and
Mobile apps, UAP Text and
Professional ExMobile Blast, UAP website
cellence is a great
enhancement, posting on
step going to the
social media daily E2nd quarter of
Newsletter “Keeping You
Fiscal Year. This
Posted” and exhibit of archimotivates me to
tects and their works in UAP
do the responsibilHQ. Through these means of
ities more efficommunication, all local,
ciently to repreeven international, chapters
sent the Organizawill be connected and updattion well in all its
ed easily on what is happenundertakings.
ing with the Organization.
With full support
This will encourage UAP
from every archimembers to promote the
tect of the Organiprofession for public awarezation makes all
ness because information
plans, programs
dissemination is made easier
and goals attainaArch. Rene Heray, FUAP, AA
by aid of technology reble within the
reach. On that
Secretary General
note, I encourage
Improvement of Recordeveryon e to conkeeping for the UAP General Membership: by
tinuously participate in promoting our profession
enhancement of UAP database, reactivation of
through the UAP.
library and archives to ensure efficient management of UAP corporate documents and records.
Let our profession be a channel of great influence
impact lives
of people. Be
and excellent
Public: by
in everything
we do!
Mabuhay ang Pilipinas, Mabuhay ang Arkitekworks and public service of the architects in the
tong Pilipino!
Organization, down to its chapters and members thru wide-range Corporate Social Responsibility Programs or response to calamity projects as our country frequently needed.
“... all local, even international, chapters will be connected and updated
easily on what is happening with the
Organization ”
Arch. Eldred Caesar I. Tan, FUAP
National Auditor
It is my distinct honor and privilege to greet the editorial
staff of the UAP POST under the able leadership of Ar.
Edlee S. Tusi as they roll out the maiden issue for
FY2016-2017. The UAP POST plays a vital role in the
scheme of things because “a well-informed membership is an enlightened membership.” Nowadays, we are
bombarded with a lot of news items both from traditional media and social media that it is sometimes
difficult to discern what is true and what is not. Many of
man’s problems are caused by wrong information or
mis-information and it is becoming a daunting task for
one, even with good intentions to be able to give “the
correct and accurate” information. Thus, a credible
publication like the UAP POST fills the void and quenches the
thirst of our members for valuable and reliable information.
Lastly, may I remind you all that before you compose the first
sentence, always bear in mind our theme “Unity Accountability
and Professional Excellence” and you will never go wrong.
Soar High, UAP.
Congratulations and more power to all!
The UAP Post • Vol. 42 Issue 01 • July—September 2016