Three months into the Fiscal Year 2016-2017, the
United Architects of the Philippines (UAP) under
the leadership of Arch. Guillermo Hisancha has
embarked on a unique Joint Area Assembly (JAA).
Adhering to the UAP’s theme of Unity, Accounta-
bility and Professional Excellence, this year’s JAA
focused on one of its tenets, which is the CSR or
Corporate Social Responsibility. Bearing the theme
“XStream: Architects in Action”, the primary aim
is to equip the architects into a greater purpose of
reaching out to communities other than rendering
professional services and products.
Most of the activities of the three-day event cen-
tered in and around Iloilo City. Prior to the program
proper, the Chapter Presidents’ Assembly was held at
Sarabia Manor Hotel on Day 0, October 13. Various
plans and action points were raised during the day-
long assembly. Moreover, PRBoA Member Arch.
Robert Mirafuente lectured about the CPD during the
event, and discussed several concerns with the Presi-
dents to be tackled in their respective chapters. On the
other hand, JAA Sportsfest was held, which included
disciplines in basketball, bowling and billiards. Area A
dominated bowling while Arch. Michael Abanero of
Iloilo-Marikudo chapter clinched the top spot in bil-
liards. Meanwhile, UAP-Negrense chapter lorded the
basketball game.
Thanksgiving Dinner, PRBoA Chair-
man Arch. Robert Sac gave inspira-
tional message, while prizes were
raffled off from various sponsors.
Being the centerpiece of the Joint
Area Assembly, delegates proceeded
with the Corporate Social Responsibil-
ity (CSR) projects of their respective
Areas. On the second day, architects
from Area A trooped to downtown
Jaro Playground for a repainting pro-
ject, supervised by Area A Vice Presi-
dent, Arch. Jun Andres. Area B dele-
gates helped finish a housing and
Clockwise from Left: UAP National Officers presented a token of appreciation to Hon. Arthur Defensor,
governor of Iloilo province during the Opening Ceremonies of JAA2016; A group shot of JAA delegates,
Day 01; A meeting of some delegates during the Chapter Presidents’ Assembly, Day 0; Bowlers cheer
during the JAA Sportsfest; Architects from Area A brush their way for beautification project in Jaro
Playground, Iloilo City, one of the CSR projects of Joint Area Assembly.
What could be more special
to herald a UAP event in this
great southern city than by
having the local officials them-
selves? Last October 14, Iloilo
governor Hon. Arthur Defen-
sor graces the Joint Area As-
sembly Opening Ceremony in
a festive mood, held at the
Iloilo Convention Center.
Meanwhile, a keynote address
was delivered by Iloilo 2nd
District Representative Hon.
Arcadio Gorriceta. The UAP
National Board of Directors,
led by Arch. Guillermo
Hisancha, presided over the
event, which was well attend-
ed by more than 600 delegates
across the four areas.
At the sidelines of the event, Arch. Hisancha gave
his State of the UAP Address, highlighting the gains of
his 3-month old administration, as well the general
perception for the Organization. Meanwhile, two
distinguished architects gave their timely and essential
discussions upon the duration of Day 1 of the event.
Former PRBoA Chairman Arch. Armando Alli tack-
led the National Building Code, the arising need
for its update and how the UAP and Registered &
Licensed Architects (RLA) can do. On the other
hand, former UAP National President Arch.
Medeliano Roldan, Jr. discussed the provisions of
RA 9266 (Architecture Law), as well as the Archi-
tects' Advocacy to promote Corporate Social Re-
sponsibility (CSR) among communities. On the
The UAP Post • Vol. 42 Issue 02 • October—December 2016
church project in an Ati Community in Barangay
Lanit, Jaro, Iloilo by way of financial assistance,
under the stewardship of Arch. Cesar Aljama, Vice
President for Area B. UAP National Board headed
by Arch. Hisancha witnessed the turnover ceremo-
ny. As per Area C delegates, their project was the
financial assistance for the completion of toilet and
To be continued on Page 10