UAP POST - 2nd Issue (FY 2016-2017) | Page 5

National Executive Vice President...from Page 4 FUAP, AA, Apec Ar. said that his 3 main Committees are not linked to each other so there’s no need to meet them together. His main thrust now is the CPD Law whose IRR will be released on March 2017 ac- cording to PRBOA. He is preparing a manual on how to go about this to aid the UAP Chapters in the application of CPD points. On January 11, 2017, UAP represented by NP Guillermo Hisancha, FUAP, AA, 5 Apec Ar., signed an MOU(3) with PRBOA represented by Chairman for PRBOA CPD Council for Architec- ture Robert M. Mirafuente. PRBOA CPD Council for Architecture sought the assistance of UAP to include CPD in its website and other venues to disseminate all information about CPD for Registered and Licensed Architects (RLAs). UAP accepted the responsibility to be the Administrator in disseminating information on the CPD Programs and activities. 6) Commission on Educati on headed by ED Wilfredo G. Gacutan, FUAP has taken steps in reaching out to the Architects in the Academe in ensuring a better understanding of the Outcomes Based Education (OBE) as per CMO 46 s.2012 as part of the Philippine Higher Education Reform Agenda. ComEd is begin- ning the ground works for the creation of a National Accreditation Body that will be recognized by the Canberra Accord on Architectural Accreditations. And more importantly we are making bigger our program for schol- arship grant which we now call GABAY ARKITEKTURA (4) Joint UAP and UAPSA educational Assistance Program. As we move around the Chapters and the Districts during Inductions, I challenged the chap- ters by saying “Last year we had given 12 UAPSA Grants, this year, we will make it bigger,” I challenged every chapter, “One of you who is State of the UAP...from Page 3 fessional organization of architects. First, I am so glad and happy with the initial positive and encouraging respons- es we got from our colleagues in the architectural profession. The Committee on Architects Unification has been successful in getting all acts together of our stakeholders despite existing differ- ences and coordinated all concerned for initial talks for the realization of this fondest dream. This is a tough process I understand, but I’m confident that we will succeed, if we help and continue to cooperate each other setting aside vari- ances. Second, through a Board Resolution, we urged the Professional Regulation Commission to exercise its full powers and mandate to clearly define the roles of architects civil engineers, interior designers and all others in the construc- tions industry as to avoid overlapping of professional services, which the PRC has been doing lately. As a governing body whom primary function is to regu- late the practice of all professions in the country, we are anticipating positive feedbacks in the few days. For the protection of our profession, we continued to push for the full imple- mentation of RA 9266. In fact, lots of generous enough can give P10,000.00 to a needy UAPSA… or 10 of you can give P1,000.00 each or 20 of you can give P500 each or 50 of you can give P200.00, pang Starbucks I kaya’s pangbili ng eyeliner.Minsan mas mahal pa ang lipstick ng mga girls. Do you take this challenge?” When they hear the method on how they can pull resources, most of the Chapters and districts said “YES” Ar. Maximo D. Magsamo Jr. of Pangasinan Da- gupan brought his check personally to the UAP HQ. Such a generous man! Then came another check of P90,000.00. (5) WOW! This came from District A3 headed by District Director Cecilia Cayman-Gamana, UAP,AA. I thank DD Cecil and the Chapter Presi- dents: Maria Carla G. Epino,FUAP of Quezon City Chapter, Cesar E. Aris Jr. of QC –Silangan, Randel G. Leona of QC-Capitol, Joanna Lisa Dungca of Tandang Sora, Joselito P. Francisco of QC – Central and Arnold B. San Sebas- tian of QC South Triangle for 9 grants. During the last NBD last Dec 10, 2016, Chapter Pres Joselito C. Palacol of KSA Western Region Chapter sent one grant through A4 DD Florencio Ro- maro T. Sebastian III and another P10,000.from Diliman Chapter! Thanks CP Karen Kaye Ang for drumming up in your Chapter! A TOTAL OF P124,000.00 ALREADY! I usually continue with “If you open your hands to help out others, you also open your hands to receive the blessings from above.” The work of the volunteers in the UAP is awesome, hope we find meaning in all of these. “We don’t accomplish anything in this world alone… and what- ever happens is the result of the whole tapestry of one’s life and all of the weavings of individual threads from one to another that creates something.” – Sandra Day O’Connor recently-elected LGU chief executives Special Committee on Architectural whom I met around the country from Code, and to review and study the Congressmen, Governors, Vice Gover- existing Architectural Code of the nors, Provincial Board Members, Philippines, and submit for recommen- Mayors, and others already expressed dation the implementation of the Ar- their willingness to implement RA 9266 chitectural Permits in our applications for Building Permits, to be exclusively in their respective areas. We have also passed resolutions and only signed by a registered and addressed to DILG Secretary Ismael licensed architect in the country. We expressed our appreciation to Sueno, DPWH Secretary Mark Villar and Office of the Building Officials the Professional Regulatory Board of Architecture around the the country to “ UAP holds too much promise, under direct their too much potential and has too leadership of Ar. Robert S. respective units to much at stake for us to dare go Sac for ap- proval, adop- implement any other way but forward ” tion and RA 9266 promulgation of the Architects’ Guide- in full. The Task Force RA 9266 led by past lines for Standards of Professional National President Ar. Boy Roldan is Practice Compliances on the Methods currently working on the inventories of of Compensation and Schedule of all issues and concerns on the imple- Fees, as prepared and recommended mentation of our law and spearheaded by the Integrated and Accredited Pro- the monitoring of all bills filed in the fessional Organization for Architects. As a compendium of references on Congress which we deemed might affect the Architecture Law, including the parameters on methods of compen- the recently-filed bill on civil engineer- sation and schedule of fees, these guidelines are necessary to the architect ing. Last month, we designated Past in the practice of his profession, and National Presidents Ar. Dinky Florenti- henceforth will standardize the ranges no and Ar. Beth Regala to lead the for which the client will compensate an architect in direct relation to the value of services that the architect provides. With the passage of Continuing Professional Development, the UAP is working collaboratively with the Board of Architecture for the crafting of the General Implementing Rules and Reg- ulations of this law. Very recently, the PRBOA Continuing Profes sional Development Council was formed and expectantly, the CPD system will be in place by February next year. ON PARTNERSHIP AND COL- LABORATION For the first 3 months, we have successfully forged partnerships with various government agencies and stakeholders. We entered into a Memorandum of Agreement with the Supreme Court of the Philippines in the conduct of Inter- national Conceptual Design Competi- tion for the Supreme Court Complex in Fort Bonifacio, Taguig City, which is envisioned to be a culturally iconic building and a legacy for generations to come. We established partnership with Nippon Paint for the Asia Young De- To be continued on Page 6 UNITED ARCHITECTS OF THE PHILIPPINES The Integrated and Accredited Professional Organization of Architects 5