Having served the chapter for the last two fiscal years, and entering a new one
as Vice President for Programs and Development for the second consecutive
term, I asked myself how would I like this third year of service to be like. With
most of the Board of Directors retaining their positions and with some new
blood joining us, made me hopeful of a fiscal year that is like the last one but
also way better.
Preserve everything that is good. Change anything that is not.
And improve ourselves not only for the chapter but for personal growth as well.
With this in mind, your loyal servant proposed the induction theme "Be a Better
Version of You", anchored on the chapter board of directors' aspirations of
serving the chapter better, thereby both encouraging as well as challenging
every UAP Makati CBD chapter member to continue growing professionally
for self-fulfillment, and also towards the furtherance of the organization, the
profession, and ultimately, the Philippines as a whole.
Let us all become a better version of ourselves as we become the catalyst of
positive change in our own little communities.
As I close this message, allow me to congratulate all the newly inducted
members of our chapter as we welcome fiscal year 2019-2020! Let us all be a
better version of ourselves. Never underestimate the effect your small gestures
of zealousness have in our nation!
Mabuhay po tayong lahat and welcome to CBD!
Ar. / EnP. Reynaldo M. Cristobal Jr., UAP, PIEP, RMP
Chapter Vice President for Programs and Development
UAP Makati CBD