As we explore another milestone ahead of a new fiscal year, your chapter has
proven much when it comes to dedication, service and passion for leadership in
the organization. The consistent active participation in the meaningful programs and
projects of the organization of your entire membership has paved the way for bringing
progress to the profession, the professional, the professional product and the nation
well. My warmest congratulations to UAP Makati CBD Chapter as we induct another
set of the brightest and sincerest officers and new members!
Every professional is completely exceptional. The experiences, skills, interests and
perspectives every professional possess are unique attributes for furthering the
advancement of this organization in which we are all part of. In spite of this reality, the
influences in life bring us to control our acts in assuming our professional responsibility
essential to naturally develop our own individuality. The strong commitment to serve
and lead the organization mirrors our aspirations as professionals in delivering the
best for building a sustainable nation.
A progressive nation requires progressive individuals. We, architects, are the front
liners in building a progressive Philippines that is home to rich culture, diverse
society, lavish nature and stable economy. Our consolidated effort in designing the
built environment with harmony to the natural environment is a vital foundation for a
stronger, bolder and brighter future ahead of the Philippines. Fundamental in delivering
the best for our nation is thru the vigorous participation of the enriched, equipped and
organized professional architects sustained with pure hearts, clear minds and noble
Your sincere commitment and positive vision for the attainment of the goals and
strategies of our organization are models for success. My heartfelt gratitude is
extended for your meaningful share to the success of our organization. Mabuhay ang
UAP!...Mabuhay ang Area B!...Mabuhay ang Makati CBD Chapter!...
Arch. Junar P. Tablan, MSAE, UAP, PIEP
Area B Vice President FY 2019 - 2020