Volume: 1
Número: 1
outubro 2019
Como é que os habitantes da Praia de Faro olham
para os riscos costeiros?
Rita B. Domingues, Márcio C. Santos, Saul Neves de Jesus e Óscar Ferreira
Centro de Investigação Marinha e Ambiental, UAlg
Centro de Investigação sobre Espaço e Organizações, UAlg
Escola: ES Tomás Cabreira, Faro
Alunos: Diogo Machado, Joana Gonçalves, Joana Lourenço, Joana Meneses, João Quintela,
Maria Duarte, Maria Possante e Miguel Martins.
Faro Beach is a vulnerable and heavily urbanized settlement, exposed to beach erosion,
overwash and other hazards. However, residents seem to feel safe living there and
have no intentions of ever leaving the beach. We developed questionnaires and went
knocking on doors, asking how residents feel about their safety at the beach. We
realised that fishermen and their families possess significant knowledge on coastal
hazards that derive mainly from life experience. Their risk perception is not as low
as we thought; however, residents believe hazards are not that dangerous and they
will probably happen in the future, but not now. This optimism bias and psychological
distance hinders their preparedness efforts towards hazards.