UAB TBIMS In-home Cognitive Stimulation Guidebook June, 2020 | Page 81

Sense of Direction
Note : �
These types of activities can be done while out in the community .
Level 1 Notes :
� Go to any location where your car is parked in a lot or deck while you are in a building . o Examples : restaurant , grocery , etc .
Ask the person to find the car when you are leaving the building .
Task : � Find the car .
Level 2 Notes :
� Same as Level 1 except that you ask the person to direct the drive to and from a familiar location that you frequently visit . o Examples : “ what turn do I take next going to ?” or “ When is our next turn ?”
Task : � Navigate your way .
Level 3 Notes :
� Go to any larger location where there are different areas / sections . o Examples : library , grocery , etc .
� Ask the person to find different areas . o Examples : “ find the books on adventure .” or “ find the frozen foods .”
Task : � Find the area .
Level 4 Notes :
� Same as Level 2 except that you ask the person to direct the drive home from an unfamiliar location . o Examples : “ what turn do I take next going home ?” or “ When is our next turn ?”
Task : � Navigate your way home .