UAB TBIMS In-home Cognitive Stimulation Guidebook June, 2020 | Page 73

� Pick out 1 major news event from the material , and periodically ask the person about that news event throughout the day . o Ask more direct questions if the person is having trouble with the answering .
• Examples : “ What was the story about ?”, “ Who was the story about ?”, “ When and where did the events occur ?”
• Examples : “ The woman in the news story was trapped in a _________” or “ The score of the game was ________.” o Ask the person to answer questions about information at different time intervals .
• Examples : immediately after receiving the information , 10 minutes after , 15 minutes , 30 minutes , and later that day .
Task : � Answer questions .
Level 5
Notes : � Ask the person to write down some questions about the top news stories for that week . � Go to the local library together , and suggest that the person take the questions and find answers either from other news sources or the librarian .
Task : � Find answers to questions .
Level 6 Notes :
� Ask the person to generate his or her own questions about news events , and , once finished , ask the person to provide the answers as well .
Task : � Provide questions and answers to a news event .