UAB TBIMS In-home Cognitive Stimulation Guidebook June, 2020 | Page 72

Recall of Stories and Events �
Internet access is usually available at the local library if not available at home .
Level 1 Notes :
� Read aloud or have the person read aloud to you a 2 to 3 sentence paragraph from a magazine or online source of interest to the person .
Ask the person questions about the paragraph .
� If tolerated , repeat the activity 3 or 4 times with different 2‐sentence paragraphs , but give 1 to 2 minutes of break time between each reading .
Task : � Answer questions about material .
Level 2 Notes :
� Read aloud or have the person read aloud to you a 5‐sentence paragraph ( ½ to 1 page stories ) from a magazine or online source of interest to the person .
� Ask the person multiple choice , yes / no , or fill‐in‐the‐blank questions about the paragraph . Task :
� Answer questions about the material .
Level 3 Notes :
� Set a daily schedule for reading a book , magazines or online sources of interests to the person .
� Ask the person daily what they have read . o Ask more direct questions if the person is having trouble with the answering .
• Examples : “ Who was in the story ?” and “ What happened to the person in the story ?”
Task : � Answer questions about the material .
Level 4 Notes :
� Have the person select a daily online news source , TV news show , news podcast or radio news program of interest .