UAB TBIMS In-home Cognitive Stimulation Guidebook June, 2020 | Page 68

Right‐Left Orientation
Level 1 Notes :
� Ask the person to point to different body parts . o Examples : point to your right arm . Point to your left arm . Touch your right ear . o Provide help if needed .
Task : � Point to or touch the body part .
Level 2 Notes :
� Draw a picture of a person or use a picture of a person standing up face forward .
� Hold the picture in front of the person and ask the person to point out the pictured person ’ s right and left features , which are opposite to the person ’ s right and left . o If there is some confusion , flip the drawing or picture around facing away , which makes the left and right sides the same . Flip back and forth as often if needed .
� Stand in front of the person and ask the person to point out your right and left body parts , which are opposite to the person ’ s right and left . o If there is some confusion , turn around facing the same direction as the person , which makes the left and right sides the same . Flip back and forth as often as needed . o You can make it more challenging by crossing your legs or arms .