UAB TBIMS In-home Cognitive Stimulation Guidebook June, 2020 | Page 66

• Example : stopping the stopwatch within 20‐30 seconds of a 2‐minute target time is a reasonable aim .
Task : � Start the stopwatch and stop it at the given time .
Level 4 Notes :
� Give the person a stopwatch . A wristwatch or smartphone on stopwatch mode is also an option .
Ask the person to not look at the stopwatch , start it , and stop it when the person estimates that a set time has passed . o Example : “ without looking at your stopwatch , start it , and stop it when you think 20 seconds have passed .” o The aim is to stop it within a few seconds of the target time . � While the time is passing , talk to the person or ask the person questions . � Repeat with different target times between 20 seconds and 2 minutes . o Be mindful that longer target times are harder to estimate , so a wider margin for stopping the stopwatch may be expected .
• Example : stopping the stopwatch within 20‐30 seconds of a 2‐minute target time is a reasonable aim .
Task : � Start the stopwatch and stop it at the given time .