UAB TBIMS In-home Cognitive Stimulation Guidebook June, 2020 | Page 49

� Ask the person to download a personalized calendar app or editable electronic calendar with a notification function . o Add daily activities to the calendar . o Add medication schedule . o Set notifications for when the added activities are to be done
Task : � Create and follow your daily calendar schedule .
Level 8 Notes :
� Help the person to create a “ Memory Book .” o Use a small spiral notebook , an electronic notepad , or a private social media page solely devoted to adding daily notes . o Include an autobiographical background summary , daily schedules , medication schedules , important telephone numbers and family / friends ’ names , etc .
� Ask the person specific questions found on the Memory Book . o Example : “ Can you find your medication schedule in your Memory Book ?”
Task : � Add information that is important to remember to your Memory Book . � Find information that you are asked to find .
Level 9
Notes : � Encourage independent use of the memory book . � Ask specific questions found on the Memory Book . o Examples : “ What have you added to your Memory Book today ?” � Aim for increasing independence using the Memory Book as the person progresses .
Task : � Keep information in your Memory Book updated daily . � Find information that you are asked to find .