UAB TBIMS In-home Cognitive Stimulation Guidebook June, 2020 | Page 45

Organizational Activities
Level 1 Notes :
� Write down in incorrect order 3 or 4 numbers , days of the week , or months of the year . o Example : 5 , 3 , 8 , or Monday , Saturday , Thursday , or June , January , February
Task : �
Ask the person to either tell you or write down the correct order .
Put the numbers , days , months in order .
Level 2 Notes :
� Write down on one sheet of paper 10 to 15 simple 3 to 4 words sentences . o Example : The cat is hungry . I made dinner .
� Re‐write the sentences on another sheet of paper with the words in each sentence scrambled .
• Example : Is hungry cat the . Dinner made I .
• Ask the person to re‐order the sentences into the correct manner .
• Offer hints if needed .
• Examples :
• “ What is this sentence about ?”, ‘ A cat .’
• “ What about the cat ?”, ‘ He ’ s hungry .’
• “ Ok , now , say the full sentence .”
• Show the person the correctly written sentences if hints are not successful . Task :
� Put the sentences in the correct order .
Level 3 Notes :
� Write down on one sheet of paper 10 to 15 longer sentences . o Examples :
• I can ’ t find my sweater .
• This is a dead end street .
• I don ’ t know where she went . � Re‐write the sentences on another sheet of paper with the words in each sentence scrambled .
• Examples :
• find can ’ t my sweater I .
• end street a this is dead .