UAB TBIMS In-home Cognitive Stimulation Guidebook June, 2020 | Page 38

Deductive Reasoning
Note : �
This activity may become lengthy , so it is a good idea for the person to keep track of selections by using colored pencils or crayons corresponding to the colors of the objects you are using . o Use 2 rows of marks with each row of marks representing a different turn .
• Example : in guessing 3 colors , 1 row is marked with the matching 2 correct color guesses , and 1 row is marked with the incorrect color guess .
Level 1 Notes :
� Show the person 3 small objects of varying colors . o Example : red button , blue candy , and white bottle cap . � Write down the colors of the objects so the person does not forget the colors . � Without the person looking , place 2 of the objects in your hand . � Ask the person to name the colors of the objects hidden in your hand . o Give the person specific feedback on whether or not the choices are correct .
• Example : Blue is correct . Green is not correct . o Ask the person to try again to name the colors of the objects hidden in your hand . o After each correct or incorrect answer , talk through reasoning behind making the choices .
• Example : If one object is green and the other is not blue , what color is left ? � Repeat until the person names the correct colors within two attempts on a consistent basis .
Task : � Name the correct colors hidden in your hand .
Level 2 Notes :
� Show the person 3 small objects of varying colors . o Example : red button , blue candy , and white bottle cap . � Without the person looking , place 2 of the objects in your hand . � Ask the person to name the colors of the objects hidden in your hand . o Give the person non‐specific feedback on whether or not the choices are correct .
• Example : One color is correct .