UAB TBIMS In-home Cognitive Stimulation Guidebook June, 2020 | Page 30

Physical Exercise
� Before starting activities in this area , it is best to consult a medical professional to make sure exercise as described below is safe for the individual .
Level 1 Notes :
� Take a walk in the yard or through a park .
� Engage casually in conversation about the things you see during the walk .
� Ask questions from time to time about what was seen or said about 2 to 3 minutes ago .
Task : � Answer questions .
Level 2
Notes : � Take a walk in the yard or through a park . � Ask questions from time to time about where the walk started , how long have you been walking , how far have you walked , and how to return to the starting point .
Task : � Answer questions . � Find your way back to where you started .
Level 3 Notes :
Help prepare a daily exercise schedule with a list of exercises that will be done each time . A physical or occupational therapist may be able to provide ideas if needed . o Example : shoot basketball , playing simple games like HORSE or counting the number of dribbles with a ball ( both hands , left hand , right hand ). o Example : toss and catch large , soft rubber balls and progress to using smaller balls ( tennis ball or racquetball ) as warranted by success . o If walking or standing is difficult , stretching exercises can be done in a seated position . Resistance bands may also be used . o Yoga or stretching routines may also be helpful . There are many free videos of routines on the internet .
Tasks : � Write down a daily exercise schedule . � Follow the scheduled activities .