UAB TBIMS In-home Cognitive Stimulation Guidebook June, 2020 | Page 29

Level 6
Notes : � Park your car in a large parking area on your next shopping trip . � Instruct to remember where the car is parked . � Help to plan a strategy for finding the car when returning after shopping . o Example : point out reference points near the car , like a sign , tree or other marker . o Example : point out the position of the car in the parking area , like is it on right , left , front , back or middle of the area .
Tasks : � Find way back to the car after the shopping trip .
Level 7
Notes : � Walk through a grocery or department store . � Point to 2 or 3 items in the store as you pass by . � If needed , allow the items , but not the item ’ s location , to be noted on paper or smart device . � Go to another area of the store .
Tasks : � Recall or read list of items pointed out earlier . � Return to where the items are located in the store .