UAB TBIMS In-home Cognitive Stimulation Guidebook June, 2020 | Page 28

� Sort out 3 of the same cards from two decks of cards . o Example : Sort out the king of spades , 2 of clubs and 9 of diamonds from both card decks . � Place the 6 cards face up on the table side by side . � Allow 15 seconds to view the cards . � Turn the cards face down . � Ask to turn over two cards that match . � Remove cards when a match is made . � Turn the cards face down again for a repeat try if a match is not made .
Task : � Turn over the sets of matching cards .
Level 4 Notes :
� Sort out 3 of the same cards from two decks of cards . o Example : Sort out the king of spades , 2 of clubs and 9 of diamonds from both card decks . � Place the 6 cards face down on the table in 3 cards in 2 rows without allowing time for viewing cards face up . � Help to plan a strategy for turning over the cards . o Example : start by turning over the corner cards and verbally calling out the card and its position . � Attempt to turn over two cards that match . � Remove cards when a match is made . � Turn the cards face down again for a repeat try if a match is not made .
Task : � Turn over the sets of matching cards
Level 5 Notes :
� Sort out 4 numerical cards in order . o Example : the 2 , 3 , 4 , and 5 of clubs . � Place the 4 cards face up on the table in random order � Allow 5 seconds to view the cards . � Turn cards over . � Attempt to turn over the cards one at a time in sequence . � Turn the cards face down again for a repeat try if a card is selected out of order .
Task : � Turn over the cards in numerical order .