UAB TBIMS In-home Cognitive Stimulation Guidebook June, 2020 | Page 23

Search and Find � �
Pour a bag of uncooked rice into a large bowl . Keep the bowl of rice out of view when adding objects to find .
Level 1 Notes :
� Put 2 small objects that can fit into the palm of your hand into the bowl of rice . o Examples : small ball , marble , coins , nuts , screws
Task : �
Mix the objects into the rice well so that they are somewhat hidden .
Look to find the objects hidden within the rice using sight , hands and sense of touch .
� Name the objects .
Level 2
Notes : � Put 2 small objects that can fit into the palm of your hand into the bowl of rice . � Mix the objects into the rice well so that they are somewhat hidden .
Task : �
Without looking , find the objects hidden within the rice using only your hands and sense of touch .
� Name the objects .
Level 3 Notes :
� Put a handful of various small objects into the bowl of rice . o Examples : dried pea , a small stone , paper clip , etc .
Task : �
Mix the objects into the rice well so that they are somewhat hidden . Add more rice to the bowl and place fewer objects into the bowl as the person progresses .
Without looking , find the objects hidden within the rice using only your hands and sense of touch .
� Name the objects .