UAB TBIMS In-home Cognitive Stimulation Guidebook June, 2020 | Page 16

Level 3 Note :
� Name 2 keyboard characters to be tapped as quickly as possible . o Example : name the letter “ d ” and “ f .”
Tasks : �
Tap the named characters as fast as possible for 10 seconds . Use one finger from each hand to tap a named character . o Example : dfdfdfdfdfdf Repeat the tapping task 5 times , with a 10 second rest period between each time .
� Repeat the tasks using different fingers until the task is done using all fingers on both hands .
Level 4 Note :
� Name 4 side‐by‐side keyboard characters . o Example : name the letters “ l ,” “ k ,” “ j ,” and “ h .”
Tasks : �
� �
Tap the named characters in order . Use fingers on one hand . Use one finger per character . o Example : lkjhlkjhlkjhlkjh Repeat the tapping task 5 times , with a 10 second rest period between each time . Repeat the tasks using different fingers on the other hand and tapping different characters in order . o Example : asdfasdfasdfasdf
Level 5
Tasks : � Type out short words and phrases using fingers on both hands . � Try typing games and skills using apps and online training lessons .
Level 6 Task :
� Type out short emails and text messages .
Level 7 Task :
� Type out longer notes or letters to family and friends . o Example : type a “ Thank you ” letter .