UAB TBIMS In-home Cognitive Stimulation Guidebook June, 2020 | Page 12

Card Play
Notes : �
A deck of cards is needed for all activities .
Level 1 Tasks :
� Begin to deal out the deck of cards as if it is the start of a card game but do not actually play a game . Deal faster at times and slower at times . � Sort the deck by colors ( black and red ).
Level 2
Tasks : � Shuffle the deck . � Sort the deck by suits ( Hearts , Diamonds ,
Clubs , and Spades ).
Level 3 Notes :
� Randomly lay out 10 cards in only 2 of the suits . o Example : Hearts and Spades
� Add more cards and suits as the person progresses .
Tasks : � Put the cards in numerical order . � Put cards in groups of suits .
Level 4
Notes : � Deal a group of cards ( 10 to 15 ) face up . � Deal slowly at first and increase speed as the person progresses . � Increase the number of cards being dealt as the person progresses . o Increase number of cards used to 20 – 35 . o Use the entire deck of cards
Tasks : � Count the red cards as they are dealt . � Count the black cards as they are dealt .