UAB Patient & Visitor Guide 2022 UAB Patient & Visitor Guide 2022 | Page 7


Your recovery is much more comfortable at home , and as our patient , it is our goal to get you there . We start planning for your discharge on the first day of your stay , and it remains our priority throughout your time with us .
Nursing and clinical care team members will visit you throughout the day to make sure you are comfortable and that all of your care needs are met ; we call this “ hourly rounding ”. We will round on you once an hour during waking hours and every two hours during the night to ask about your pain , assist you to the restroom , and make sure you have everything you need within reach .
At shift change , our nursing units participate in “ bedside shift report ” to ensure good communication between team members regarding your continued care . The nurse going off duty shares important information with you and your care partner and with the nurse coming on duty for a seamless transition .
Rounding and bedside shift report are great opportunities for you and your care partner to speak up and be involved . Please ask questions , let us know about your pain , and tell us what we can do better if we are not exceeding your expectations .
You and your loved ones are important members of the care team here at UAB Medicine . Here ’ s how you can be involved in our health care partnership .
• Appoint a care partner or support person . Let us know who they are and how you want them to be involved . UAB Medicine recognizes that your support person may be a spouse , adult child , close friend , partner , or significant other , regardless of gender .
• Provide complete and accurate information about your medical history , conditions , current medications , and allergies .
• Ask any questions you have , speak up if something is unclear , and keep asking until you understand .
• Listen and take notes when the risks , benefits , and alternatives of any procedure are explained .
• Remember , you have rights as a patient , including the right to refuse treatment .
• If you are having surgery , participate in marking your surgical site .
• Spend time with your loved one ; most areas allow 24 / 7 visitation unless it interferes with patient care or safety .
• Appoint a representative to be our point of contact who can relay information to others .
• Be there when the care team rounds and ask questions .
• Be there during the discharge process . You will be your loved one ’ s caregiver when you go home . It ’ s crucial that you understand how to care for them , symptoms to look for , and medications they will take .
• Show your loved one care and attention to help their recovery .
• Do not visit if you are sick .


Because UAB Hospital is a teaching hospital , a team of health care providers will take care of you , including doctors , specialists , nurses , medical students and residents , and advanced practice providers . Each of them wears a different color depending on their role and is required to wear a photo ID badge that displays their name and title . They are expected to introduce themselves and explain their role in your care and what you can expect . The communication board in your room will be updated daily with the names of your care team members and your patient goals . uabmedicine . org 3