U R Enough November 2014 | Page 28

So much of life is spent sitting around waiting for the weather to be right, waiting for the perfect job, waiting for more money, etc. It is time to quit waiting and start doing! There is no cap on the abundance available within the universe. Abundance is ever flowing; all you have to do is be open to receiving it. Its easy to think some people have all the luck; nothing could be further from the truth. The difference between people experiencing absolute abundance and those that do not is the desire to make it happen.

We spend so much of our time talking and talking instead of doing. It is time to take a hands on approach to our lives, progressing on our journey, and creating reality from our dreams.

Here are 3 ways to stop talking and start doing to create your future:

1. Start a vision board~These are simple ways to remind you of what you are working towards. Use old magazines and cut out pictures of your dreams~ Post your board where you see it all the time to get the energy flowing and manifesting

2. Practice Creative Visualization activities~ The more you visualize yourself with your dreams accomplished, the more energy you are sending out to create

3. Stop talking and start doing~No more excuses and no more waiting.

It is in your hands

3 Ways


Create Your Future.

Excerpt "Reshaping Reality" by Robin Marvel