U R Enough November 2014 | Page 26


By Dennis Cole

One of Life’s greatest stressors is a lack of a sense of meaning to personal existence. This stress can be alleviated by coming to a point in our lives in which we begin to desire to know what our connection is to our One Source Energy. The Path to fulfillment of this Spiritual desire involves learning about Responsibility. In other words, the responsibility for understanding how we all get what we get in Life.

A few thousand years ago some people were asking a Master Teacher: “When is the second coming?” The response was that the “second coming” wasn’t going to come to us by “observation.” Instead, the Teacher replied: “the kingdom of God is within you.”

This seems to imply that this Source Energy which creates Universes is within each of us! If this is so, you might wonder why life and some people seem to be so cruel or destructive and negative. Well, it’s because there are no “victims” or “right and wrongs” in a Universe of perfect laws. Let’s explain further.

The most primal Law has been known for thousands of years. You may have heard of it as: “As ye sow, so shall ye reap!” It has also been called “karma”. But not karma in the sense of punishment! Instead, this Universal Law of, “like attracts like”, helps to maintain truth and balance in our Creation. It does so because, even when we think that Life, or “others”, are not treating us fairly, the Universe is responding - perfectly - to the current dominant vibration (freewill choice of thoughts) which we are “transmitting!”

We will always attract into our life experience whatever we think about most – whether we like it or not! This is a great Power - to finally know how we’re all getting what we’re getting! Obviously it can also be a “two-edge sword!” Meaning, that the “good” or “bad” that we would like to attribute to the “mirrors” our thoughts have attracted into our life condition, will be “bad” if we had negative-feeling thoughts when we were thinking about whatever contrast impelled us to prefer.

As for the “good edge of the ‘sword’ of Power”….well, James Allen said it well: “Think good thoughts and they will quickly become actualized in your outward life in the form of good conditions.”