My life, so far…
*Trigger Warning*
It all started in November 2012 about 2 years ago now. Everything in my life changed and it wasn’t for the better. Here is my story on how my life is and how I am getting through my day-to-day struggles with near depression and aspects of an eating disorder.
Firstly, it all started in the winter months of 2012 which was probably the worst time for it to start because everyone gets down in the winter months due to the fact that the light seems to fade too quickly and we all just feel like shutting ourselves away for the cold season. Unless, of course you like winter then you’ll feel very different. My friend and I got quite close and the concept of self-harm was going about and everyone seemed to be doing it. At that point in time we were very impressionable and we thought of it as a ‘cool’ way to deal with the littlest of things, so inevitably we did it. I can assure you now this was the worst decision of my life that I had ever made. If you are ever in this situation, stay clear of it! It will only bring you and your family pain and hurt. Once the concept came about we started to do it then that was it, cutting for every little thing I couldn’t deal with. Bad idea.
Secondly, with my friend again, she started to lose a lot of weight. We both got down to 6st 13lbs and because I was the smallest person in our ‘group’ so to speak I wanted and felt it to be my duty to be the lightest and skinniest too. My friend however got in the way of this so ultimately I began to lose weight too. I began to restrict my intake and starve myself soon enough I lost my weight and over the Christmas months I got down to 6st 9lbs, but more on my weight later.
lot of problems at home for me. Continued on next page.......
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