U R Enough November 2014 | Page 14

Holli Kenley holds a Masters in Psychology and is a California Licensed Marriage and Family Therapist. After practicing for many years, Holli now works in the field psychology as an author and speaker. One of her most popular books is cyber bullying no more: Parenting A High Tech Generation in which she provides parents / guardians concrete and concise tools for protection from, intervention with, and prevention of cyber bullying. Prior to and during her career as a therapist, Holli taught middle and high school for 30 years.




Put A Little Sunshine In Someone’s Life !

© Holli Kenley 2014

As the holiday season is approaching, it is only natural to think about what gifts we want to give and to receive. Everywhere we look, there is a ton of stuff for us to choose from. And with all the advertisements in the stores and on our technology, there is no escaping the message – Buy! Buy! Buy! It can be so expensive. And yet, there is something we can give that is not only completely free but it will give back to us as well! What can this gift be?

Many years ago, I taught 8th grade English and literature at a brand new middle school in Southern California. I will never forget my first year there where I met an extraordinary student named Sunshine. With her long auburn wavy locks bouncing around her shoulders, her freckled face and pearly white teeth, and always wearing very simple and clean but worn clothes, Sunshine entered our classroom every day with a positive selfless attitude. Whether it was before school started, or during lunch, or after 6th period, Sunshine did whatever she could to make my job easier and to work with other students who were struggling.

Over the weeks and months, Sunshine excelled in her own studies and yet, she remained constant in her giving attitude and generous spirit toward others. Every day after school while she waited for her little brother at the neighboring elementary school, Sunshine washed the student desks, cleaned the white boards, stapled and organized papers, and even graded a few for me! She tutored other students in their writing and patiently encouraged others in their reading. Not only was she giving of her time, but Sunshine always had a kind word for everyone. I mean everyone. She complimented other kids on their clothes or hair or test scores, she approached kids who sat alone and made friends with them, and she found something encouraging to say to anyone for any reason. On several occasions, she shared her lunch with students who were without one. Sunshine was all that her name represented – she made all of our lives a little brighter.