Red Squirrel Trust Wales
On the 2nd of February we welcomed Holly Peek from the
Red Squirrel Trust Wales to the farm who gave a very
informative presentation on Red Squirrels and how we can
help attract them to the farm. At the end of the session the
trainees were given the opportunity to make their own squirrel
feeders which were placed in the woods around the farm. We
hope that this will help attract Red Squirrels to the area which
have been seen nearby by members of staff.
Age Well Christmas Party
Every other week the trainees from the farm
visit the memorial hall in Amlwch to take part in
activities with Age Well, an organisation that
provides services to older people in the
community. During December a Christmas
party was held by the group for the trainees,
consisting of music, food and gift giving which
was thoroughly enjoyed by all who attended.
Tyddyn Môn Newsletter
Issue 8 - Winter 2017