TV Appearance
Some of our staff and service users recently
appeared on the S4C television programme ‘Heno’
as part of a feature on Actif Woods Wales talking
about the activities that take place during the
sessions. The programme can be watched online at
www.youtube.com/watch?v=y_CNvYFnSD8 through
the medium of Welsh.
Cafe and Pancake House
Over the Easter half term period we opened
our new pancake house in the cafe which
now sells a range of sweet and savoury
pancakes. The pancake house will be open
throughout the summer holidays and will
also sell coffee from our new Dwyfor coffee
machine. We have also hosted a number of
groups in the cafe during the last few months
including merched y wawr and a local
ramblers group.
Easter Fun
Tyddyn Môn Newsletter
An Easter fun day was held on the
farm on the 19th of April with a
number of activities being held
throughout the day including the
opening of our new craft cabin
where wood burning and pottery
sessions were held as well as face
painting. The day was well
attended with visitors also enjoying
crafts activities in the cafe and the
dragon tractor trailer ride which
gave rides around the farm
throughout the day. We would like
to thank ASDA for their king
donation of Easter eggs towards
the event.
Issue 8 - Winter 2017