On Thursday 03 May 2018 Concern Worldwide hosted the finals of
their All-Ireland Concern Debates Competition in The Helix, Dublin.
It has been a nail biting year for
Concern Debaters and keen
observers from all over Ireland !
But after all the hours of
preparation, competition and
debating, there can only be one
winning group and that is Dublin
based school St Killian’s German
St Killian’s German School’s
team of word-warriors
successfully argued for the
motion that the world must
“rekindle the spirit of 1968” for
the UN’s Sustainable
Development Goals (SDGs), such
as zero hunger and gender
equality, to be achieved.
It was the first time the contest
was won by St. Killian’s and the
first time a Dublin schools has
won the competition in eight
The formidable runners-up, who
opposed the motion
w e r e A t h l o n e C o m m u n i t y
College, Westmeath, who were
magnanimous in defeat.
“We congratulate the winners
and runners up in this year’s
final, who showed exceptional
debating skill, and the hundreds
of students from all 140 schools
who took part in the 2017-2018
competition,” said Concern’s
Head of Active Citizenship,
Michael Doorly, who leads the
team that organises the annual
T Y U P D AT E S U M M E R 2 0 1 8
As part of their prize, the
debating champions; Leah
Fellenz, Oscar Toomey, Aisling
Burns and Isabel van Der Voort
will travel this summer to Kenya,
one of the 24 countries
where Concern Worldwide works
to eliminate poverty.
Over 50,000 students have taken
part in Concern Debates since it
was created 34 years ago by
international humanitarian aid
organisation ConcernWorldwide.