TY Update Spring 2018 | Page 23

TEACH-SHARE! TY Update’s printed version of TeachMeet This edi(on of TY Update introduces a new regular column; “TeachShare”. In short, it’s a printed version of the popular TeachMeet talks that give teachers a plaCorm to share their ideas with fellow teachers. In this inaugural column Patrick Huff explores how to encourage students to engage cri(cally with news media. Mr Patrick Huff English teacher in Ardscoil Mhuire, Corbally, Limerick WHAT’S THE SCOOP…? ENCOURAGING STUDENTS TO E N G A G E C R I T I C A L LY WITH THE NEWS MEDIA! ! ! ! WHY THE ‘SCOOP’ ? I am a big believer in hitting multiple birds with one stone (figuratively of course) and try to hit as many JCSA Principles, Key Skills, and Statements of Learning as possible with most class activities. Primarily though, I find myself withered from the realisation that many students do not engage with the news in a meaningful way and, as a result, have opinions that are heavily seasoned by others (family and friends) or no idea how events around the world can impact on their lives. ! ! WHAT’S THE ‘SCOOP’ ? Inspiration came from a colleague, Ms Mags Clancy (Head of the English Department), who invited weekly informal responses from her students on a topic that caught their attention (to great success I might add). I decided to formalise the process with a small worksheet that asked students to summarise an eye-catching news story, respond with an opinion, and reflect on how the story affected them. The news story could come from any medium and I am always careful to drop some hints during the week for the benefit of any student who may not have come across anything interesting. ! ‘What’s the Scoop?’ would take five to ten minutes once a week with my Second Year students (drawn at random with lollipop sticks) presenting their thoughts. ! ! SUCCESS ? My hope was that, by making engaging with the news and reporting one’s opinion back to their class a small but regular feature of my classes, that my students would start by simply engaging with the news and that my feedback would guide them towards deeper critical evaluation as time went by. I have been blown away by the response. The topics dealt with have been wide- (cont….) WWW.T YIRELAND.COM