TY Update March 2017 | Page 7

FREE workshops for teachers : Explore global issues through creative writing

TY engage better with the Leaving Certificate

and study , such as the level of educational attainment of the student ' s mother and whether the student aspired to a degree . However , according to Mr Clerkin , even taking these into account , participation in TY was a key indicator . " Students ' TY participation status was among the strongest predictors of spending more time on homework ." He said it was likely that the TY programme developed students ' selfregulatory and selfmanagement skills . He said the TY programme could not , and should not , be judged solely on the exam results or academic behaviours of students who participated . But , he added , the tendency for TY participants to spend more time studying in their Leaving Cert years , may go some way towards explaining the consistent evidence that they perform better in the Leaving Cert .
Aidan Clerkin is a Research Associate at the Educational Research Centre ( ERC ). His work includes the study of social and personal development and student participation in TY at post-primary level . His research interests include student engagement and wellbeing , socioemotional development in childhood and adolescence , factors supporting learning in the classroom and the promotion of positive development among young people . He has a BSc ( Psychology ) from Queen ’ s University Belfast , and a PhD ( Education ) from DCU .

FREE workshops for teachers : Explore global issues through creative writing

Poetry Ireland is offering free workshops to teachers to explore global issues through creative writing . A team of writers from our Writers in Schools Scheme will facilitate a full day of workshops at Poetry Ireland , 11 Parnell Square East , Dublin 1 on Saturday 13 May . www . tyireland . com FOR EVERYTHING TY
To book a place , please contact Moira Cardiff on 01 6789815 or email education @ poetryireland . ie