TY Update March 2017 | Page 36

Competition : The Story of your Stuff ! www . thestoryofyourstuff . ie
www . tyireland . com FOR EVERYTHING TY

Competition : The Story of your Stuff ! www . thestoryofyourstuff . ie

The Environmental Protection Agency ( EPA ) has teamed up with photographer and music video director Christian Tierney to launch an exciting new competition for secondary schools .


Students are invited to choose an everyday object such as a pen , mobile phone or a water bottle and use a visual medium to illustrate its lifecycle ; where it came from , how you use it and more importantly , where it ’ s going to end up !

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The competition is open to students up to 18 years .
The prize : € 500 for the winning entry and € 500 plus a video workshop with Christian Tierney for the school .


All information about the competition can be found on www . thestoryofyourstuff . ie . Here students can view a “ Story of your stuff ” video created by Christian Tierney and top tips from him on how to get started .
“ We want students to unleash their creativity to tell us the story of their stuff . Perhaps your pencil started its story as a tree in another continent … maybe your plastic water bottle was created from oil originating as far away as the Middle East … or your phone contains metal originating from the likes of Asia , South America and Africa .


By becoming more aware of the story of their stuff , students begin to understand why sustainable consumption behaviours , including recycling and using recyclable materials on a daily basis are so important ” said the EPA ’ s Helen Bruen .


“ Visual mediums such as Snapchat and Instagram are the language of today ’ s students , so what better way to have fun with this project than for students to use the tools they know best .” The EPA ’ s web resource

! www . epa . ie / IrelandsEnvironment

! provides the best source of information for students to

TY UPDATE MARCH 2017 research their entry . The website also includes a section for teachers with a lesson plan outlining the educational as well as fun elements of this campaign .


This competition is a great way to get the next generation of adults and potential leaders thinking about the importance of protecting our environment and hopefully acting upon it .


To enter , simply fill out the short application form on www . thestoryofyourstuff . ie , upload your entry and click send before the 30 th March 2017 .


Students are advised to keep their videos short , ideally 60 seconds and not more than 90 seconds long .


Entries will be judged by Christian Tierney and representatives of the EPA and Earth Horizon Productions .