TY Update March 2017 | Page 29

TY students – apply now for Engineering Your Future

Applica ' ons are now open for Engineering Your Future , a week-long , hands-on programme designed to introduce TY students to the exci ' ng and diverse world of engineering .
The annual Transi ' on Year programme is supported by Engineers Ireland ' s STEPS programme - a strategic partner of Science Founda ' on Ireland ’ s ( SFI ) Smart Futures ini ' a ' ve – and will be hosted by a number of third-level ins ' tutes around Ireland in May : DIT , UCD , IT Tallaght and IADT in Dublin ; IT Carlow ; Waterford IT ; and IT Sligo .
The programme is designed to give TY students an in-depth understanding of the diversity of engineering at third level and in industry . During the week , students aQend interac ' ve talks and presenta ' ons ; get hands-on experience with group-based ac ' vi ' es ; visit local industry and meet engineers at various stages in their careers .
Par ' cipa ' on is limited to between 20 and 40 students at each loca ' on . Successful applicants are selected based on a number of factors , including Junior Cer ' ficate maths and science results and reasons for seeking a place on the programme . There is a small fee for par ' cipa ' ng in the programme . ( Fees are waived for students from DEIS schools .)
The deadline for applica ' ons is 10th March .
To get more info and apply for a place on the Engineering Your Future programme , visit steps . ie / engineering-yourfuture . www . tyireland . com FOR EVERYTHING TY