Jiang O’Neill at TY EXPO 2017
(above) and pictured (below)
with her principal Ms. Long (left)
and Amanda Landzaad from TYI
Jiang O’Neill from St Aloysius
School in Cork is the new TYI
Ambassador for the year
2017/18 and we are super
excited to welcome her to our
team. Jiang follows in the
footsteps of some of the most
talented young people in
Ireland - Harry McCann,
Jordan Casey and Rhys
Sheridan. Jiang's School and
Principal Ms Long were delighted that Jiang had been
chosen from numerous
“It is an honour to be
appointed TY Ambassador for
Transition Year Ireland and I
look forward to meeting you
all, to hear your ideas and
your hopes for TY, so that we
can do justice to the year. especially in TY, where
students need to know what is
available to them.
TY is a year where students
can achieve anything we
want, as long as we have
ambition and support. !
Students need their schools
for guidance and information,
Amanda Landzaad from TY
Ireland had an opportunity to
spend a morning with Jiang
at her school to discuss her
role and her relationship with
the TYI team. She asked Jiang
about her appointment as TYI
I am a big advocate of the idea
that education should be
wider than a classroom. We
learn from everything, not
just textbooks.
One of my goals this year is to
also have fun and to enjoy the
year, before the dreaded
Leaving Cert.”