txac youth & young adult ministries early fall 2013 | Page 4


The Big Event is a conference-wide event for sixth graders and will be held the weekend of November 1st-3rd at Forest Glen Christian Camp.


Sixth grade is a significant time in adolescent development. Some sixth graders have matured physically, while emotional maturity often lags behind. Sixth graders may only be two years behind eighth graders chronologically, but some late matures are as much as five years behind developmentally. Most sixth graders think in concrete terms and they need materials and methods that don't require them to think abstractly all the time. Over involvement in all youth activities at an early age may also lead to burnout or drop out by the time they reach upperclassman status in high school.

Even churches struggle with wether they go in children's or youth ministry, and some even give them a year apart from everyone else.

This weekend is set apart from the other Conference Youth retreats and is distinctly different to cater to the needs of sixth graders and the ministries that they are a part of at their local church. Because each church disciples to this group differently, some use it as a time to get to know their students, away from parents and older youth. Other groups use it as a cornerstone to their Confirmation classes. The retreat focuses on John Wesley's threefold ideas of grace and uses parts of the Credo curriculum. There is also time for worship, small groups, outdoor recreation and being silly sixth graders.