Two Spirit and LGBT Native Americans | Page 15


There are more than 15 Native Two Spirit groups and organizations around the United States that are helping LGBT and Two Spirit American Indians, by providing resources, holding annual gatherings, and offering support for their members. According to statistics, this support is much needed because of the discrimination and rejection LGBT Natives face in their life. Homophobia-based rejection by their families and communities, combined with the racism they experience day by day can be harmful and isolating for LGBT Natives, especially the younger generations.

"The sense of loss combined with isolation and inadequate social or professional support, for many two-spirits may be too much to cope with. This is evident in the very high rates of alcoholism, addictions, and attempted and completed suicides of LGBTQ Aboriginal and two-spirit people. By coming out, a two-spirit person risks not only losing their family, which is extremely important in Aboriginal cultures, but also may risk dejection from their traditional community" (Alaers).

Ledger drawing of a Two Spirit Warrior